Meet Our Durable Medical Equipment Team

Our on-site Durable Medical Equipment team is full of experienced athletic trainers who are dedicated to providing support equipment that meets your exact needs for recovery. They are tireless in this pursuit, and eager to help restore your movement and function and pre-injury levels.

Kelley Andrews

DME Specialist

Donna Crum, ATC

Danielle Donorovich

DME Specialist

Tim Galley

DME Specialist

Wendy Giannasi, ATC

DME Specialist

Sandy Johnson, ATC

Jordan Knowles

DME Specialist

Jason Lucarelli ATC

Diane Nelson, ATC

Therasa Quackenbush, ATC

Jamie Scalzo

DME Specialist

Richard Steely

DME Specialist

Stephanie Swartzwelder, MS, ATC, CSCS

Megan Wood, ATC

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Call Us: (716) 250-9999