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3 Reasons Not to Skip Physical Therapy

Date: May 4, 2015 Category: Uncategorized

You’ve just had surgery and are now preparing yourself for the ever-so-critical recovery stage. Your doctor has prescribed a strict regimen of physical therapy appointments to get you back to peak physical condition. It’s at this point that you might be thinking, “can’t I save a lot of time and money by skipping the PT and doing this myself?”

Sure, it’s possible for some patients to get back to form on their own after an injury, but here are 3 things that might change your mind about skipping the PT.


Anyone can go online and do a quick web search for some stretches and activities that will help you down the road to recovery, but even the most helpful article or video can’t replace a professional therapist guiding  you through the routine.

Physical therapists have undergone years of study and training to gain an advanced understanding of how your body can best recover from injury or surgery. They can help you create a personalized schedule of activity and then walk you through each part of it to make sure you’re doing everything correctly.


You might think you’ll stay strong and stick to a disciplined recovery schedule on your own, but that determination can often dwindle after a couple weeks. Having scheduled appointments for physical therapy helps you regulate your routine and keeps you on track. It’s a lot easier to skip the workout when no one is there to hold you accountable. Regular PT appointments can help you stay motivated and get the most out of your recovery time.


Before you write off therapy because it’s too expensive or too far away, at least look into the costs and give it a try. Some insurance carriers will pay for physical therapy costs after you’ve suffered an injury, and the prices are often more affordable than you’d think.

It can also help to just try it out for one or two sessions if you think it’s not worth it or it’s too far away. You just might feel so good after each one that you’ll find the sessions more than worth the price you’re paying.


If you’re considering a physical therapy routine, we have dedicated professionals at Excelsior that can help you. Check out some of our PT offerings or give us a call today.

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