Meet Our Certified Athletic Trainers

Excelsior is immensely proud of the sports performance programs and we offer - all led by this incredible team of certified athletic trainers, strength and conditioning specialists and performance enhancement specialists. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, trying to prevent one, or simply looking to improve athletic performance, someone on this team can help you make the most out of your athletic career.

Lucas Baker, MS, ATC, PES

Carol Bartz, ATC

Paula Browning, ATC

Daniel Cox MS, ATC

Mariana Crevison, ATC

Nick Darling, ATC

Joelle Davis, ATC

Christopher Dukat, ATC

David Dyson, ATC

Caleb Earl, MS, ATC, CSCS

Scott Fisher, ATC

Jeffrey Green, MS, ATC

Alexandra Hasiotis, MS, ATC

Christopher Hidalgo, ATC

Sara Kolipinski MS, ATC

Tony Laquitara, MS, ATC

Mallorie Larson, ATC

Kimberly Lubanski, MS, ATC, CMPC

Kayla Mansfield, ATC

Kendall Marshall, DAT, ATC, CSCS

Mikala McCartney, MS, ATC

Keara Miller, ATC

James Mollosky, MS, ATC, CSCS, LMT

Brooke Nichols, ATC

Bambi Piadlo, ATC

Megan Smith, MS, ATC, PES

Jeff Spalti, ATC

Jim Starkey, MS, ATC, CSCS

Christopher Stawitz, ATC

Vicky Szymula, DHS, ATC, CSCS, CKTP

Tyler Witek MS, ATC

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