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3 Reasons to Consider Shoulder Replacement to Relieve Rheumatoid Arthritis

Date: March 26, 2014 Category: Uncategorized

3 Reasons to Consider Shoulder Replacement to Relieve Rheumatoid Arthritis


Many of those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis experience chronic pain in their shoulders as a result of the inflammation. Fortunately, a recent Mayo Clinic study showed how shoulder replacement surgery can benefit those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. This particular form of arthritis results in joint inflammation due to the immune system’s progressive attacks on body tissues. Through a total shoulder replacement, however, the body can function while effectively “blocking” the autoimmune activity from the shoulder.

Why should you consider a total shoulder replacement as opposed to other options?


1Little Chance of Necessary Further Replacement

The Mayo Clinic study cited that after ten years, 93% of patients who had both shoulders replaced did not require additional surgery. Furthermore, 88% of those with only one side replaced needed further surgery. So, the chances are very good that if you opt for shoulder replacement surgery, you won’t have to go under the knife for a second time.


2The Process is Relatively Quick

As the article notes, doctors have achieved a high degree of success with shoulder replacement surgery. The procedure itself only takes about an hour, with the patient generally in hospital for only one night. Post-operative recovery takes approximately six weeks, with the patient handling physical therapy at home. With shoulder replacement surgery, you can eliminate the source of your pain and decreased mobility through a relatively quick operation, which normally requires a brief period of physical therapy recovery, most of which can be done in the comfort of your own home.


3Improved Motion & Reduced Pain 

Most importantly, the study notes that the shoulder replacement procedure provides patients with a greater range of motion and, in almost every case, reduces pain. So, alongside the unlikelihood of future surgery and the speed of the procedure and recovery, patients get the enormous benefits of improved movement and comfort—two things that rheumatoid arthritis prevents every day.

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