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3 Common Injuries for New Runners

Date: July 2, 2014 Category: Uncategorized

New runners have to keep something in mind: running takes practice like anything else. Most new runner wouldn’t go straight for a marathon, but some might consider overexerting and trying a 5K every week. You have to work your way up to achieve higher levels of running skill.

Part of the reason for this involves your legs’ orthopaedic health. As a new runner, if you bite off more than you can chew from the beginning, then you make yourself more susceptible to the following problems:


Shin Splint

Due to overuse, stress on the shin bone causes surrounding muscles to become inflamed. In some cases, you might even develop small fractures in the bone itself. As one of the most common injuries for new runners, you’ll want to take extra care to avoid it (especially since it can take upwards of 70 days to heal).


Knee Pain

Knee pain can have a lot of causes, but will most commonly flare up due to strain on soft tissues. Of course, knee pain can indicate more serious issues, so take your time to build up strength in the knee’s surrounding muscles through cross training in order to provide additional strength while running.


Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis comes due to stress on the plantar fascia in the foot. The pain will affect the area on the bottom of the foot, in front of the heel. To prevent this, make sure that you run with ergonomic shoes, which any decent running shoe store should be able to help you find.

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