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Driver Flipped Car Multiple Times in World Record Attempt and Came Out Virtually Unharmed How?

Date: June 24, 2014 Category: Uncategorized

Unless you closely follow European motorsports, you probably haven’t heard of Guerlain Chicherit—unless you happened to catch his world record attempt this week: longest car jump.

Sadly, he didn’t exactly make the jump. Though he technically cleared the gap, he took a nose dive at the landing ramp and flipped his rally car several times, which you can see here:

You will notice, despite the apparent violence of the wreck, that Chicherit exits the car on his own. After a mandatory MRI, we know that he sustained only minor injuries, despite the incredible amount of forces that his body underwent.

Now, keep in mind that rally cars, such as this, have certain modifications so that they can handle things that street-legal vehicles can’t. That being said, physical shape contributes a lot to the body’s ability to handle the amount of forces that fast turns, acceleration and (God forbid) crashes. In fact, Formula 1 drivers are some of the most fit athletes in the world.

So, if you want to lower your chances of serious orthopaedic injury in a car accident, keep up your physical health. Stretch consistently, light some weights and practice consistent cardio exercises.

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