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Outpatient Joint Replacement: A Revolution in WNY

Date: July 21, 2015 Category: Uncategorized

We started our Join The Movement campaign with the intention of getting the word out about our revolutionary approach to joint replacement surgery in WNY. Our patients have told us there’s no better surgical experience around, and now we want everyone to know. But what makes our approach so unique and innovative? Aside from our top-notch doctors, advanced surgical techniques and our comprehensive continuum of care, the thing that separates us from every other orthopaedic specialist is our unrivaled outpatient joint replacement program.

What is Outpatient Joint Replacement?

Through this program, patients electing to undergo hip, shoulder or knee replacement surgery who are in good health  and qualify for the program can experience the whole process without ever stepping foot in a hospital. Consultative appointments happen at one of our Excelsior Orthopaedics locations, the operation is performed at the Buffalo Surgery Center, and — here’s the best part — rehab and recovery happens in a spa-like room at The Mosey condominiums in Williamsville.

There’s nothing wrong with traditional hospital recovery methods, but if you were eligible, wouldn’t you rather get back on your feet with all the comforts of home? That was the inspiration behind starting the outpatient program.

After your surgery is successfully completed, you’ll be transported to your recovery suite where you’ll have full attention from our medical staff as well as a follow up visit from your surgeon and all the amenities you need to start physical therapy right there on-site.

Is This Covered By My Insurance?

The great part about what we offer is that we’ve worked with insurance companies to make it as widely accessible as possible for our patients. Most insurance companies cover the surgery the same way they would any other kind of joint replacement, so you won’t feel the strain of heavy additional costs to get yourself a better experience1.

Am I Eligible For Outpatient Joint Replacement?

There are a lot of factors that go into determining your individual eligibility for the program, and almost all of them have to do with your personal health. The only way to know for sure is to be assessed by our medical staff and get a recommendation from one of our surgeons.

How Can I Schedule a Visit?

This is the easy part. To get yourself on the road to freedom from pain, all you have to do is give us a call at 716-250-9999 or fill out this short form to schedule an appointment.

We’ll get you in to see our staff as soon as you’re ready.

1 If Patient is identified by Excelsior Orthopaedics Doctors as being a eligible candidate for outpatient surgery the Excelsior staff will work to confirm that insurance will cover the joint replacement on an outpatient basis. 

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Call Us: (716) 250-9999